“There are so many of us, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators – we don’t even know what it means to dream.
Albert Einstein has been attributed with saying, “You can’t solve a problem by using the same thinking that created it.” If we want to disrupt the education system and transform it into a system that supports the potential of all students, we need to break out of conventional thinking and knowledge that is limited by colonial structures and systems preventing us from dreaming. In this podcast with Dr. Andrew B. Campbell (Dr. ABC), Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto – Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, he shares how he envisions a new education system that is built on relationships.
“People are ready for the freedom dreaming, you know,” says Campbell. “There are spaces that people are already saying we want to do something different. I think what is holding a lot of these people back … is the policies, structures and ideas.”
Join the conversation between Waterloo Region District School Board Director jeewan chanicka and Dr. Andrew B. Campbell as they discuss the future of the education system. Dream with us at WRDSB as we work to transform the possibilities and potential for public education.