Throughout history, the education system in Ontario has evolved based on social and political influences.

The current system created in the 1800s, has continued to demonstrate that it is not meeting the needs of all students. Each Ontario school board has established its own Strategic Plan and board directives to improve academic outcomes for students, yet we continue to action our efforts within the existing frameworks that have historically marginalized and excluded individuals.

It is time to re-examine education to better support students in the future. An example of a shift in thinking about how education can center students is in British Columbia, where the province has moved to eliminate letter grades for Kindergarten to Grade 9 students.

As noted in Ontario’s Anti-Racism Strategic Plan, we all play a role in “creating a more inclusive Ontario where every child is supported and has the opportunities in and beyond the classroom to achieve their full potential by: 

  • improving child welfare, education and justice systems to better support children and youth
  • removing barriers and improving access to culturally relevant programs in:
    • early learning and childcare
    • education
    • child development
    • health
    • sports and recreation
  • providing culturally relevant, inclusive and accessible services and programs to support children and youth as they learn, develop and pursue opportunities without barriers.”

At the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB), we are committed to transforming education and providing students with the opportunities and supports they need to be skilled, caring and compassionate global citizens.

This is not work we can do alone. 

We invite Directors of Education, education system leaders, innovators and thought leaders to engage in this dialogue with us as we build a framework for a 22nd century education system.

Join the conversation

Explore and envision the future landscape of education in Ontario, considering emerging technologies, evolving pedagogical approaches, and societal shifts. Reflect on the role of inclusivity, personalized learning, and digital innovation in shaping the education system.

Imagine the future of education in Ontario, focusing on creativity, technology, inclusive practices, and evolving pedagogy. Consider how you can shape a resilient and innovative system, emphasizing collaboration, personalized learning, and readiness for a dynamic future. Share insights on adapting curriculum and preparing students for tomorrow's challenges in the areas of:

  • Student Achievement
  • Student belonging and well-being
  • Family and Community engagement